
Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Typing Club

Room 5 five have been using this website called the typing club and we have been learning and practicing  to increase our typing.

Monday, 30 March 2015

Sentence Structure Paragraph

A sentence is a group full of words that have different subjects.
There are three types of sentences, these include complex, compound and simple. A sentence needs to include a capital letter in the beginning with a full stop at the end. The purpose of a sentence is to discuss the idea or a subject of the paragraph. This screenshot shows our learning with sentences and their structure we gained lo. Please leave some feedback so we can help move our learning to the next level!

Sentence Structure

This is my groups result that we did on a activity which Mrs Anderson had shared with us. On the Activity the producer told us what simple, complex and compound meant and there were sentences that we had to answer if it was simple, complex or compound.

Monday, 23 March 2015

Feedback Slideshow

This is me and Sebastian's feedback slide show and we had to talk about what feedback looks like, sounds like and how this will help us.

Sunday, 22 March 2015

Term One Collage

This is my photo collage of term one at Panmure Bridge school.
I have had an amazing time making new friends and learning new skills in my short time at my new school.
I enjoy working on my chrome book and like travelling to tech every Friday. Even though I am new to this school I am enjoying it and I am looking forward to the rest of the year .

Thursday, 19 March 2015

My Duffy Books

These are my duffy books that I got today. I really am excited to read these books. These books look awesome and very interesting. I am looking forward to reading these books. Thank you mainfreight for sponsoring for these books.

Online Maths Challenge

This is the online challenge i have done. I had to answer all these level 5 maths questions and i got all of them correct.

Maths DLO

This is my maths DLO. I learnt a really great strategy it is making one of the numbers into a tidy number .

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Cricket ICC World cup 2015

This is my cricket world cup DLO. I had to find information of the internet and make a dlo with all the information we found.

Friday, 13 March 2015

My Reading History

This is my reading history timeline. I had to take a screenshot of my old books that i have read in the past
and put it in these yellow boxes.


This is my Japanese homework, it is about Samurais. I have done this with Latham.We had to make a slide show and presented it to the class

Graphics Technology

This is my graphics technology i have done at tech. I used a awesome website called

Parent Comment

This is my parents comment about my homework. He has commented on my Motutapu island broche.

Monday, 9 March 2015

My Mihi

Tena Koutou
Tena Koutou
Tena Koutou Katoa

Ko Ngongotaha toku maunga
Ko Awahou toku awa
Ko Te Arawa toku waka
Ko Te Arawa toku iwi
Ko Ngati Rangiwewehi toku hapu
No Tamaki-makaurau ahau
Kei Panmure toku kainga inaianei
Ko Panmure Bridge toku kura
Ko Weteni Ngaropo toku ingoa whanau
Ko Corey toku matua
Ko Davina toku whaea
Ko Zahn toku ingoa

No reira
Tena Koutou
Tena KoutouTena Koutou Katoa

Thursday, 5 March 2015

Maths DLO

This is my maths DLO. I had to talk about what i learnt  in maths .

Monday, 2 March 2015

Motutapu Island Inside Brochure

This is my inside brochure with even more facts about the Motutapu island

Motutapu Island Outside Brochure

This is my Motutapu  outside Brochure and in have have a lot of facts about this island,