
Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Godwits - Story Board

Today the year 8's were working with Mrs Anderson for inquiry, and we had to make a storyboard that, that was based on godwits. Godwits are one of the birds that migrate the furthest. 

Thursday, 17 November 2016

Kiwi sport: Hockey

Today for kiwi sport we had our first session of hockey this year. For a warm up we had a game of octopus. We first picked the proper sized hockey sticks and had a practise dribbling. Then we played a game called  traffic light. Green means dribble the ball forward, orange means stay in one spot and dribble the ball and red means that we have to stop the ball and stay still. We added in new colours into the game like silver, purple, and blue. Silver is super speed so we had run around fast, dribbling the ball. Purple is dribbling the ball backwards. And blue is around the spot which means we had to dribble the ball in a circle. We all had fun. After that we had another game and all we had to do is juggle the ball as m any times as we can. The year 8's all had a great time at hockey.

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Speech Marks/Dialogue

Today for writing  I made a DLO about Dialogue/Speech Marks. 

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

5 Minutes of...

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Beneath The Sea
BANG! All of a sudden I had been dragged down to the bottom of the sea. I tried swimming upwards but my leg was caught under a rock, and I was losing my breath. I can see the bright sun looking down at me through the clear water. It is  shining upon the sea like a reflection. I could finally move my leg again. I swam to the top of the sea, suffocating inside while my heart was racing. I am still having trouble breathing, but I knew I had to give it my all to reach the top.

I reached the top and felt like I almost died. I tried calling for help but land was a mile away and my phone was broken from the fresh, salty sea. I was stranded and alone until in the corner of my eye I saw this giant red helicopter. My eyes were keeping contact with it as I was struggling to keep floating in the water. I started sinking to the bottom of the sea again. I saw a plank of wood so I quickly grabbed it before I drowned. I jumped onto it, waved my arms, and screamed for help.

Someone peeked down at me and saw me while  I was screaming. A hoist dropped down into the sea as I swam closer to it. It grabbed me like a claw machine. I was then lifted up high above the sea. I’m tragically gulping for air to breathe. I didn’t know how long I was out there. It felt like a day or maybe a week.
 Yesterday Mrs Anderson's writing group did 5 minutes of. We were told look at this picture and write story about it. We were then told to find a partner and have 10 minutes to plan the story. 10 minutes later we started. The 3 rules were. No talking, back to back with your partner and only writing one sentence at a time. When we finished we had 5 minutes to edit our work.

Thursday, 10 November 2016

Bar Tailed Godwits/Kuaka

For inquiry this week, our topic is based on the bar tailed Godwits/Kuaka. We were told to find out information about this bird and make a DLO using popplet. This is my completed dlo.

Wednesday, 9 November 2016


For writing today we were introduced to this new word called Hyperbole. It is actually pronounced Hahy-per-buh-lee. We were told to research on our chromebooks to find out the meaning of this word. We were then told to make to a make a dlo about this word. In this google drawing i have explained what is means and how it is used.

Monday, 7 November 2016

Maths: Paper Planes

For Maths today we tested our paper planes. We were told to test fly our group planes to see which flew the furthest. We talked in our groups and decided to choose one plane from our groups. Each person from one group was told to take the best plane in their group and stand in one line. We were doing a contest to see which plane would fly the furthest. Thomas came first with score of 14.01 metres. Tai came second with the score of 12.09 meters. And I cam third with the score of 9.56 metres.

Recount Writing

For writing today we were told to go to the Manaiakalani site and go to school blogs and find recounts. Mrs Anderson Made a google draw and told us to put the link and reason on it. After that we had to fill out a quiz about recounts, just to refresh our memories about recount writing.

Friday, 4 November 2016

Learning Through Adventure

This term me Harlem, Manu, Cj, Eric and Calvin were put into a group called the Learning Through Adventure. Every wednesdays at lunch time, we would go to Robert and Lenn to do fun activities about confidence and trusting others. We were told at the last session of this event, we would go on a trip to the museum. In this case the trip was today. We visited museum and saw a lot of interesting things. Before we were allowed to go anywhere, we were told a couple of rules which we followed. After that, we got a spark pass which allowed us to scan things in the music room. We took pictures on the computers and used the passes to scan and save it on the pass cards. When we finished exploring the room we scanned the card on the computer and sent all the pictures, music and scanned stuff to email. My favorite part of being at the museum was going into the volcano room. After exploring the giant museum, we had fish and chips for lunch. Later on when we finished off our lunch , we were dropped off back to school. I would like to thank Robert and Lenn for have an great time today. We all had a awesome time with Robert and Lenn. 

Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Jean Batten Timeline

This is a completed DLO timeline about Jean batten. Jean was a pioneer. She was the first women ever to fly from england to new zealand.