On Wednesday night we had graduation, which took place at the Pakuranga Sailing Club. Everyone turned up at the right time and all looked pretty and handsome. We first started of by eating dinner in the dinning room. For dinner we had a choice of choosing lasagna and salad . Then we had desert. We had a choice of choosing pavlova and ice cream. The food was delicious. After eating everyone was handed a graduation certificate and took a photo. We ended the night off with dancing. We first did the cha cha then rock and roll. We all enjoyed ourselves at graduation.
I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teachers are Mrs Anderson and Ms Kirkpatrick.
Friday, 16 December 2016
2016 Photo Collage
This is a reflection collage on 2016 in ls2. These photo's show what has happened throughout our journey in ls2 this year. I have made this with tai and we have chosen to put these photos into a creative type of way. Some of these photos represent the best times of the year. We all had an awesome year.
Tuesday, 13 December 2016
Today Ls2 finally finished watching the Labyrinth movie. This DLO talks about my favorite part I liked in the movie, the character introduction and the narrative structure. We had a lot of fun watching the movie and completing the tasks that were set for us.
Friday, 9 December 2016
This morning room Ls2 went to tech at Tamaki College to build rockets. We continued building the rockets we were working on last week. We added a new attachment to our rockets. It was a parachute we added to our rockets. We attached it inside the top of the rocket and tucked inside the rocket's body. We use the parachute for when the rocket reaches the maximum height in the sky, Hopefully it would pop out and work. Unfortunately some people were not able to fly their plane because it they did not complete it. The rockets landed in lots of crazy places like, the roofs, the other side of the building and other places. I would like to say thank you to Mr Dunn and Mrs ferguson for putting a lot of hard
Wednesday, 7 December 2016
DLO: Trip to Tahuna Torea
On wednesday rooms Ls2, Ls1, and room 5 went to Tahuna Torea to check out the Kuaka/Godwits. This is a DLO about the trip to Tahuna Torea. Unfortunately i did not go but they all had a really fun time and enjoyed themselves at Tahuna Torea.
Tahuna Torea,
Tuesday, 6 December 2016
Transum: Beat the Clock
This is the Beat The Clock game from transum. You have to quickly answer the questions before the timer runs out.
Transum: Reverse Bar Chart
This is Tables master reverse bar chart from transum. You have to print it out and color in the squares. You colour them in for how much you know about your time tables. The longer the bar, the less time it took to complete the twenty questions on Tables master
Transum: Table Master
This is is called Table Matser. First you choose what times table you want to do and click it. Then it shows you a question you have to answer using your keyboard to type the numbers in the box
Transum: Flash Tables
This game is called Flash Tables. This is game is sort of like the Table Legs game. You have to gues the answer before it answers it before you. You get a time limit that you can change to when it answers the question.
Multi Modem Task
Today we continued our Multi Modem on Godwits migration for reading. We got new people in our groups so we looked back at our question matrix and changed some questions. We had to use our prior knowledge to answer questions. One of them was about what we use to travel over water and on land today, 30 years ago and 100 years ago. We used our knowledge to help each other to understand what we are doing. WeWe then had to answer what problems could happen. We all worked as a group and made a good connection with each other.
Monday, 5 December 2016
Transum: Tables Grab
This game is called Gables Grab. This is 2 player game. You have to use the arrow keys and the awsd keys to move the star boxes.
Transum: Table Dash
This is Table Dash from transum. You need to use the arrow keys to move around the little box. Then find out the answer and got to one of the numbers on the left.
Transum: Tables Conga
This is the Tables Conga game from transum. You can choose which times table you want to work on. Then you start of and you have to grab the number in order to which times table you picked. You can collect the numbers by using the arrow keys to move to it.
Transum: Fast Factors
This is the Fast factors game on transum. You have to drag all the numbers on the left to the numbers on the right in order to which times table it is asking you to do.
Tuesday, 22 November 2016
Godwits - Story Board
Today the year 8's were working with Mrs Anderson for inquiry, and we had to make a storyboard that, that was based on godwits. Godwits are one of the birds that migrate the furthest.
Thursday, 17 November 2016
Kiwi sport: Hockey
Today for kiwi sport we had our first session of hockey this year. For a warm up we had a game of octopus. We first picked the proper sized hockey sticks and had a practise dribbling. Then we played a game called traffic light. Green means dribble the ball forward, orange means stay in one spot and dribble the ball and red means that we have to stop the ball and stay still. We added in new colours into the game like silver, purple, and blue. Silver is super speed so we had run around fast, dribbling the ball. Purple is dribbling the ball backwards. And blue is around the spot which means we had to dribble the ball in a circle. We all had fun. After that we had another game and all we had to do is juggle the ball as m any times as we can. The year 8's all had a great time at hockey.
Kiwi sport,
Wednesday, 16 November 2016
Speech Marks/Dialogue
Today for writing I made a DLO about Dialogue/Speech Marks.
Speech marks,
Tuesday, 15 November 2016
5 Minutes of...
Beneath The Sea
BANG! All of a sudden I had been dragged down to the bottom of the sea. I tried swimming upwards but my leg was caught under a rock, and I was losing my breath. I can see the bright sun looking down at me through the clear water. It is shining upon the sea like a reflection. I could finally move my leg again. I swam to the top of the sea, suffocating inside while my heart was racing. I am still having trouble breathing, but I knew I had to give it my all to reach the top.
I reached the top and felt like I almost died. I tried calling for help but land was a mile away and my phone was broken from the fresh, salty sea. I was stranded and alone until in the corner of my eye I saw this giant red helicopter. My eyes were keeping contact with it as I was struggling to keep floating in the water. I started sinking to the bottom of the sea again. I saw a plank of wood so I quickly grabbed it before I drowned. I jumped onto it, waved my arms, and screamed for help.
Someone peeked down at me and saw me while I was screaming. A hoist dropped down into the sea as I swam closer to it. It grabbed me like a claw machine. I was then lifted up high above the sea. I’m tragically gulping for air to breathe. I didn’t know how long I was out there. It felt like a day or maybe a week.
Yesterday Mrs Anderson's writing group did 5 minutes of. We were told look at this picture and write story about it. We were then told to find a partner and have 10 minutes to plan the story. 10 minutes later we started. The 3 rules were. No talking, back to back with your partner and only writing one sentence at a time. When we finished we had 5 minutes to edit our work.
5 Minutes of...,
Thursday, 10 November 2016
Bar Tailed Godwits/Kuaka
For inquiry this week, our topic is based on the bar tailed Godwits/Kuaka. We were told to find out information about this bird and make a DLO using popplet. This is my completed dlo.
Wednesday, 9 November 2016
For writing today we were introduced to this new word called Hyperbole. It is actually pronounced Hahy-per-buh-lee. We were told to research on our chromebooks to find out the meaning of this word. We were then told to make to a make a dlo about this word. In this google drawing i have explained what is means and how it is used.
Monday, 7 November 2016
Maths: Paper Planes
For Maths today we tested our paper planes. We were told to test fly our group planes to see which flew the furthest. We talked in our groups and decided to choose one plane from our groups. Each person from one group was told to take the best plane in their group and stand in one line. We were doing a contest to see which plane would fly the furthest. Thomas came first with score of 14.01 metres. Tai came second with the score of 12.09 meters. And I cam third with the score of 9.56 metres.
Recount Writing
For writing today we were told to go to the Manaiakalani site and go to school blogs and find recounts. Mrs Anderson Made a google draw and told us to put the link and reason on it. After that we had to fill out a quiz about recounts, just to refresh our memories about recount writing.
Friday, 4 November 2016
Learning Through Adventure
This term me Harlem, Manu, Cj, Eric and Calvin were put into a group called the Learning Through Adventure. Every wednesdays at lunch time, we would go to Robert and Lenn to do fun activities about confidence and trusting others. We were told at the last session of this event, we would go on a trip to the museum. In this case the trip was today. We visited museum and saw a lot of interesting things. Before we were allowed to go anywhere, we were told a couple of rules which we followed. After that, we got a spark pass which allowed us to scan things in the music room. We took pictures on the computers and used the passes to scan and save it on the pass cards. When we finished exploring the room we scanned the card on the computer and sent all the pictures, music and scanned stuff to email. My favorite part of being at the museum was going into the volcano room. After exploring the giant museum, we had fish and chips for lunch. Later on when we finished off our lunch , we were dropped off back to school. I would like to thank Robert and Lenn for have an great time today. We all had a awesome time with Robert and Lenn.
Learning Through Adventure,
Wednesday, 2 November 2016
Jean Batten Timeline
This is a completed DLO timeline about Jean batten. Jean was a pioneer. She was the first women ever to fly from england to new zealand.
Jean Batten,
Monday, 31 October 2016
Fast Facts Collection
Today for reading we had to make a main idea DLO talking about the wright brothers and what they did to successfully fly the first ever plane in history. The details, 1, 2 and 3 are meant to link to each other to explain what happened in order.
Wright brothers,
Monday, 17 October 2016
Rhythm Interactive
Today the seniors had Rhythm Interactive with Lucy and Johny. We walked down to the hall and saw drums all placed on the ground already setup for us to play. They taught us cool beats that we could practise. They hardly talked throughout the drumming session because they said that action is more louder and entertaining than talking. We just followed on what they were doing and understood them without talking along the way. At the end of this session they talked to us and told us their names. They were really entertaining and inspered us all.
Rhythm Interactive,
Friday, 14 October 2016
Water Hydration
This term Panmure Bridge is an only water drinking school. This term some people forgot to only drink water. So we were told to make a DLO about hydration and dehydration. The DLO talks about the differences between hydration and dehydration and how it helps kids during class time and lunch time.
Tuesday, 11 October 2016
Inquiry: Forces of Flight
This term for inquiry, we have been introduced to the topic of flight. We first brainstormed all the things that we know about flight. We then watched videos and added to this drawing about the things and forces that make an object take flight. We learnt about lift, thrust, drag and weight.
Monday, 10 October 2016
Yr 8's Dance
Today after lunch, the yr 8's had dance with Sonja. We learnt 2 dances called cha cha and rock and roll. We learnt the basic skills of cha cha and rock and roll. We have nearly. finished and only need to learn one more dance. The yr 8's are doing dance to practise for graduation.
Wednesday, 21 September 2016
Quick Write
Once upon a time there lived a courageous boy named Tommy. He lived next to beautiful lake, with colossal boats and its big oval wooden body covering the majestic lake. Tommy's talent was to swim really good. But one day there was a person driving a boat and accidenty crashed and drowned. Tommy dived in to save him. Tommy Searched for him for a long time and just saw him in the corner of his eye. He grabbed him and dragged him out of the lake. He was breathing and he was ok. On this day forward he is known as a great hero.
Today for writing we did quick writes. I worked with manu and we were told to choose a picture and make a 6 sentence story. We had to make 3 of them and choose one of them to put it on our blog. I chose this one because it is about brave boy named tommy who has a amazing talent.
quick write
Today for maths the whole of ls2 played quizizz. It is a game that people can compete in by answering questions and getting them right. You get points for every question you get correct. The highest points you can get is 980. Everyone tried their best but Daniel won the fist game. We played a couple of more games. It was very fun to vs friends, and compete with them. We all had a laugh and a great time playing this game
Tuesday, 20 September 2016
Panmure Library
On Friday room Ls1 and Ls2 went down to the library. We met a enthusiastic man called Stig Wemyss. He is a voice artist and is the narrator for andy griffins books. He really hooked us in because he talked in a loud voice and was a confident speaker. Stig picked out people to do the awesome challenges and if you completed them you earn a prize. He was telling the funniest jokes and questions. I was chosen and i had to play a game with stig called sausage. Before me there were people going up to try the game and win a prize but they kept laughing and lost. The rules were simple, he would ask me a question and my my answers had to be sausage. No laughing and no grinning. I accepted the challenge continued on. His questions were really hard to not laugh at, but I tried my best not to laugh or grin. I finally completed the challenge and won the 39 story tree house audio. There were many more challenges and prizes to be won and everyone did them was confident. Every body had a great time at the library and went back to school after he left.
Andy Griffin,
Stig Wemyss,
Thursday, 15 September 2016
Henry Tuipe'a
Today, we had a man called Henry Tuipe'a. He has been a enthusiastic role model towards panmure bridge school. Henry inspired us to read books and showed us that books can change our life. He also talk to us about how he read his first book when he was 7. He has been on many tv shows know as state of origins. Henry is currently a dj for Nui FM (10.38 FM) and his nickname is jandals. He also came out to see us to give us our Duffy books from Mainfreight. Henry brings a lot on energy into the room and makes every one laugh. He is a bid role model.
Henry Tuipe'a,
role model,
Henry Tuipe'a
Today, we had a man called Henry Tuipe'a. He has been a enthusiastic role model towards panmure bridge school. Henry inspired us to read books and showed us that books can change our life. He also talk to us about how he read his first book when he was 7. He has been on many tv shows know as state of origins. Henry is currently a dj for Nui FM (10.38 FM) and his nickname is jandals. He also came out to see us to give us our Duffy books from Mainfreight. Henry brings a lot on energy into the room and makes every one laugh. He is a bid role model.
Henry Tuipe'a,
role model,
Thursday, 8 September 2016
On wednesday the year 5, 6, 7 and 8 basketball team went to after school basketball. The year 5 and 6 had their game against St Patrick's and won 10 all. And the year 7 and 8's played Point England black and won 5 to 4.
after school,
Cross Country
Today we had cross country. We were sent down to Mount Wellington War Memorial Reserve. Each class have already had their own spot to sit down in. Adidas sponsored our run, so we got inflatable sticks to cheer people on. The year zero's went first and they did 1 lap. Then the year one and two's ran and did 2 laps. The year fours did 2 laps as well. After that, the year five and six went together and had to do 3 laps. And the year seven and eights went at the same time and did 4 laps. We had to run up a hill go back down, run around a field, go up another hill, go back down and do it again. I came First for my cross country run. Thomas came second. And gozan came third. We were all tired after the run and walked back to school to pack up for the end of the day.
Cross country,
Wednesday, 7 September 2016
Today for maths, me and my maths group were learning to solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of decimals. We had to answer all 11 questions using our own strategy. I learnt a new strategy with decimals and it helps me alot when i'm trying to solve hard decimal questions. Decimals are really helpful in maths and can be really useful when you're trying to count money.
Tuesday, 6 September 2016
Read Theory
For 20 minutes each day ls2 does read theory. It is sometimes difficult so we can look back at the story and answer the questions. This helps us to understand the text. We think about what the question is asking us to do. We have grades. We earn new titles and levels depending on the points we earn. My current grade is grade 5. That means that i'm reading paragraphs between 1 to 10.
Read Theory,
Tuesday, 30 August 2016
Hauora Canva
I and Nyjah have created a DLO about Haura. We learnt about the for walls of hauora. We had to complete 4 challenges. Challenge 1 was searching for an image to put on our DLO of a athlete who as Hauora. Challenge 2 was if one of the walls were knocked over what would happen. For challenge 3 we had to check how to find our palse and find our average heart beat per minute. And the last challage what was challenge 4 is that we had to create a canva DLO and put it on our slide. We made to canva DLO's
Four walls,
Taha Hinengaro,
Taha Tinana,
Taha Wairua,
Taha Whanau,
Friday, 26 August 2016
Olympic Athlete Comparison
Throughout this term we had run jump throw. We were told to find a picture doing the sport and make a comparison between yourself and another athlete that is doing the same thing as you. I was doing long jump in this photo. I drawed yellow around the things we did the same. This talks about what i did the same and what is different.
Wednesday, 24 August 2016
Today was assembly and our guests were the Warriors who play rugby league. Two players from the warriors came to visit our school, Ryan Hoffman and John Palavi. We had two teams and we both had chants. Ryan's Team chant was Hoffy and John's team chant was Jb. We had a competition to see who was the loudest team and won prizes. Prizes were given throughout the assembly from answering questions and reading. We did 3 activities. They were hydration, belonging and sleep. For hydration we played heads and tales by answering questions about hydration and water. For the belonging activity they asked us questions about where we belong. And for sleep there was a image that we had to look at and found out why he is distracted at night and is not going to sleep. They all gave prizes to the people who answered the questions. We all had a great time. We had photos and the end of the assembly and went back to class.
John Palavi,
Ryan Hoffman,
Monday, 22 August 2016
Football - Decimals Place Value
Today for our maths activity we had to play a game called Football - Decimals Place Value. It helps you practise your decimals. You get 5 points for every question you get correct and you have 30 seconds to get as much points as you can.
Decimals Place Value,
Friday, 19 August 2016
Long Jump
This week we had run jump throw with Andy. We learnt new techniques doing long jump. We had a competition and the end of the session to see who could jump the furthest. The person who came 3 was Cecilla. Then John came second. And I came first. We all had a fun time with Andy .
Friday, 12 August 2016
Olympic provocation Comparison DLO
We have been learning to consider both sides of a provocation so that we can make an informed opinion. My DLO shows a yes, no and my opinion about building a new venue. This DLO also shows a photo comparison between two photos before and after. I have also attributed these photos.
Monday, 8 August 2016
Ancient and Modern Olympics
This is a DLO about the Ancient and Modern Olympics. I worked with Sylis, Thomas, Cj, and Tai. This DLO talks about where the ancient olympics were held, who took part, what did the opening ceremony and much more
Ancient and Modern Olympics,
Violet Walrond
Today for reading we learnt about Violet Walrond. She competed in the Olympic and was the first women to be in the olympics from New Zealand.
Monday, 1 August 2016
Fantastic Facts Challenge
Today for reading we did can do's. I chose to do fantastic facts. My topic is about Panthers Diet.
Can do,
Fantastic Facts Challenge,
Friday, 29 July 2016
Buddy Reading
Today we had buddy reading with room 4 and 3. My little buddy was Aly and we read a book about caterpillars. After we finished the book I asked him some questions, he said he enjoyed the book and his favorite part was when the caterpillar ate all of the junk food. We sat next to his friend and we swapped books so we could read each others books. Then room 3 and 4 had to go back to their class rooms.
Buddy Reading,
Wednesday, 27 July 2016
Olympic Logo Challenge
Today Manu, Gozan and I have created a poster about if the Olympics were held in New Zealand. We have put stuff on the poster that relates to New Zealand, like the silver ferns as well as the southern cross. We also included the olympic rings with torches on the side.
New Zealand,
Advertising DLO
This is an advertising DLO. We had to talk about what advertising is in 25 words. My group worked together to make this DLO
Monday, 25 July 2016
Reuse Images DLO
Today we have been learning how to use legal images. To use legal images you must type the name of your image, then click on search tools, then usage rights, next to more tools. And go down and click on labeled for reuse.
labeled for reuse.,
Friday, 8 July 2016
Leadership Talk
Yesterday spark foundation came to our class to talk about our dreams. First we got a small paper pad and Lynne told us to write something to who you look up to and shared it around the class and stuck it on the wall. Then we got a paper and we had to fill in our dream and our dream to make New Zealand a better place. We all shared our ideas again and gave it to Lynne. She gave us a bag, a notebook, drink bottle, hat and a pen. We were all grateful and John said a speech to thank Lynne for coming over to our school from spark. Then we all took a photo of everyone and their stuff.
Leadership Talk,
Thursday, 7 July 2016
Today was our last session for orienteering because it is the last week of the term. We did exactly the same as last week. We got a map and piece of paper that had all of these different numbers on it and we all lined up and waited for our turn. We had 2 courses and we completed both of them we had to go back to where we started and see what our time was.
Wednesday, 6 July 2016
Life Education
We received a book yesterday and it had activities inside it. Me, Manu, Tai and Pote decided to play the snakes and ladders game today. There were spear empty boxes and we had to write in them so we could play the way we wanted. We all had fun playing and we had a competition to see who could win most times and whoever did win most times, they win the competition
Life Education,
Tuesday, 28 June 2016
Why we need phones
Good Morning. Could you imagine life without phones. Well I can, and I think it would not be so great. I am here to talk about why we need cell phones. When Alexander Graham Bell invented the first telephone in 1876, I don't think he could of imagined the amazing things today's telephones are capable of.
The very first phones were created to talk with someone else on the other end but today's phones have advanced so much that you can do so many other things than just talk to someone. Think of all the things you can do on your cell phones today. First of all you can take them wherever you go, not like the old days when you had to be connected to a house and wire.
I strongly believe that we need cell phones today for many reasons. Not only can you call and talk to people, you can just send a quick text to communicate a quick message to someone. You can also use email on your phone, play games, take photos, take videos, get information from google, use a torch, a calculator and tell the time. The possibilities are endless. It is like a mini computer in your hand.
I challenge anyone who owns a cellphone to see if they can stay off it for a week. It is almost impossible because the cellphone, besides talking face to face with someone is the first point of communication with family, friends and the outside world.
Business people need it to keep track of emails, create presentations, complete bank transactions even have meetings with multiple people at once. Children love to text their friends, play games, get on social media, take selfies, and on and on it goes. Because of the multiple capabilities of the cell phone today, it is a common thing that most people have a cell phone with them at most times of the day.
I think it is also important to have a cell phone so parents are able to make contact with their children at any time and if there is an emergency contact can be made immediately. Some people say that children spend too much time on their phones but it should be monitored by their parents so that they have a limited time on that device. Although this may be true i still think that the positive reasons outweigh the negative reasons to have a cell phone. I think that cell phones are a good addition to our everyday lives but if you do not agree why don't you text me your reason later.
Today in Ls2 we have done speeches. We were put into groups and said our speeches to each other. Then on of us had to be chosen by our group to be in the finals. If it was 2 difficult to decide Mrs Anderson said to just choose 2 of them.
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