On Friday room Ls1 and Ls2 went down to the library. We met a enthusiastic man called Stig Wemyss. He is a voice artist and is the narrator for andy griffins books. He really hooked us in because he talked in a loud voice and was a confident speaker. Stig picked out people to do the awesome challenges and if you completed them you earn a prize. He was telling the funniest jokes and questions. I was chosen and i had to play a game with stig called sausage. Before me there were people going up to try the game and win a prize but they kept laughing and lost. The rules were simple, he would ask me a question and my my answers had to be sausage. No laughing and no grinning. I accepted the challenge continued on. His questions were really hard to not laugh at, but I tried my best not to laugh or grin. I finally completed the challenge and won the 39 story tree house audio. There were many more challenges and prizes to be won and everyone did them was confident. Every body had a great time at the library and went back to school after he left.
Well explained blurb Zahn. We all had fun listening to his stories and having challenges.